Everyone experiences an adjustment upon settling into life
at WFC, a new environment, new routines, and a new way of living. Many individuals coming from homes where a
parent or a family member has been their primary caretaker tend to experience
the greatest adjustment. The most common reason: caretakers in their
genuine interest to provide the best care possible sometimes enable their loved
ones by doing everything for them.
Sometimes, it is out of unnecessary guilt, or because it is easier when juggling
other responsibilities in their life. Well-meaning,
genuinely caring, but not always empowering.
Joey’s mom took great care of him, giving him whatever he wanted. She was overwhelmed with juggling a new marriage,
a new baby, and a growing teenaged son with cerebral palsy.
We all are responsible for our lives, and as adults, we have
daily tasks we need to do, such as getting up for the day, making our bed,
getting dressed, personal hygiene activities, meals, etc. Wendell Foster’s Campus teaches and empowers
the people we serve, to be actively involved, responsible and participating in
life as much as one can despite cerebral palsy. Our staff creates care plans that support
this mission, the individual’s quality of life, pursuit of interests, and
engagement within our Owensboro community.
Everyone actively participates as much as possible in his or her
personal care, cottage and room chores, and recreational activities. We provide support of physical, speech, and
everyday living skills through therapies and assistive technology. When staff placed these expectations on Joey,
a struggle for independence ensued.Joey’s idea of independence didn’t include getting up every morning, helping make his bed, or picking up his room, and being involved in recreational activities. Joey’s idea of independence conflicted with that of WFC’s, and he did not like not getting his own way. Just as any normal teenager would, Joey made his feelings known with both the staff and his mom. You and I grumbled when our parents asked us to clean our room. I once threatened to run away from home at such injustice! Joey wanted to run away from WFC and go home to his mom.
Unfortunately, going home was no longer an option for
Joey. His family had already moved on
with their life. All the equipment they
used for Joey’s at-home care had been removed.
Mom was still chasing after a toddler who occupied a great deal of her
time. Finally, mom knew that WFC was the
best place for Joey. In time, Joey adjusted to Campus life, though not always
happy with it. He still yearned to be a “grown
up,” but being the oldest living in a cottage that serves a younger population
did not help. Both Joey and WFC staff
recognized it, and worked together to figure out another living situation for
Joey so he could be living with adults.
In the Next Blog Entry: I'm Moving on Up!
- "Stoked, Joey was willing to do whatever it took to make his dream of living in a real 'grown-up' house happen."We want to hear from you! Please share your responses and comments by clicking below on “Comment” – you may post them anonymously or using your gmail.com profile name.
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Blog content is copyrighted property of Wendell Foster’s Campus for Development Disabilities and Carolyn Smith Ferber (and/or other blog authors). Content may be used, duplicated or reprinted only with the expressed authorization of the Wendell Foster’s Campus. Permission for use, duplication or reprints may be made to wfcampus.org@gmail.com.
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