Skylar’s vacation and Becky’s Holiday World adventure are
just two of several mini-success stories happening on Campus after WFC and its
staff experiences a paradigm shift of thinking around person-centered
service. Empowered, staff is asking
person-centered questions of themselves and of each other on behalf of the
individuals that we closely work with and serve on a daily basis. We are encouraged to find ways to help them
shift from a “service” life, which places focus on organizational services for
them, to that of living more of a community life, which places the individual
within the community doing what is important to them as an active participant
and contributor. We each have several
communities: work, social,
religious/spiritual, ethnicity, familial, school, just to name a few; and if something
happens to us, our community would miss us.
CEO Terry Brownson says WFC will have accomplished its goal; we will
know that we achieved success in integrating those we serve into the community
when members of our community notice one’s absence and reach out to express
concern and inquiry.
Everyone in Owensboro knows Butch, the man always with a
friendly “Hello, young man” or “Hello, young lady;” the man with a big smile, a
loving and generous heart, and a carefree spirit. Everyone knows Butch because
Butch knows no strangers. Butch has been
a part of the Wendell Foster’s legacy in some way, shape and form since he was
a young child. He attended school here
when it was the “Spastics School and Home.”
As a young adult, he attended the day programs the Fosters offered, and
in the last three years, he has called our Campus home. Butch loves WFC and the
people who work here saying, “Wendell Foster’s been good to me.” Butch keeps busy in his independent and very
active life. He goes to church at St.
Joseph & Paul’s where he is hospitality minister. He is a regular at the Elizabeth Munday
Center. Every day, Butch makes his rounds
throughout the Campus, from the other Supports for Community Living house
through the Centre Point Cottages, to say hello, spread good cheer, and keep in
the know of what’s going on. When in the Admin building, it wasn’t unusual
for Butch to check on his “sweetheart” Lindsay and enjoy a cup of coffee too.Butch relished the new task so much so that he seized an opportunity to contribute to the Wendell Foster's community he loves so dearly: keeping us amped up on caffeine! He made it a part of his daily routine to come over in the morning to get the second pot going to make sure we always had coffee available. Once a new pot is a-brewing, he goes around informing everyone, “I put on a pot of coffee for yall.” Even those of us non-coffee drinkers are informed. Butch says he makes sure we have coffee because we “are good people” and we “work hard.” It isn’t unusual to see Butch early in the morning, around lunchtime, then again in the afternoon between 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. at which time he’d make the rounds to tell everyone “g’night yall.”
After the first of the year, whatever bug was making the rounds shortly after Christmas caught Butch and put him in bed for two weeks. After a couple of days, Admin staff noticed the absence of Butch, but we were not alone. Members from his local church, staff at the Munday Center, and other folks throughout our Campus noticed Butch’s absence! Lindsay Overby, his caseworker, said her phone rang off the hook as people called checking on Butch and asking about his whereabouts.
That is what it means to shift a person’s existence from a service life
to that of a community life: when
someone or a group of people miss your valued presence.
Butch is now hereby titled “The Caffeinator” because not
only does he keep our staff supplied with fresh hot coffee, but because he is
always saying “I’ll be back” to check on the pot.
Thank for the cuppa joe, Butch!
In the Next Blog Entry: To Be Announced
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In the Next Blog Entry: To Be Announced
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“The educated do not share a common body of information, but a common state of mind.” ~Mason Cooley
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