On a beautiful May morning, I meet Brad and Tammy at the
Cottage, and together we walk a block to catch a bus. Along the way, Tammy fills me in about Brad’s
situation over the last several months, and their past efforts in getting him
more involved in activities off Campus, as well as what had not
been working. She explains how Brad
initially resisted getting into the water, which was something unusual since Brad
loves the water, and how staff figured out that the combination of different
DSP’s taking him each time and his sporadic attendance agitated Brad, making him
uncooperative and disinterested in the class.
Since Brad now regularly attends twice a week, Tammy notes that his
attitude and participation in swim class has greatly improved in two
months. Tammy initially had to coax Brad
to get into the water, in which she held his hand, encouragingly talked to him without
forcing the issue. With each visit, Brad
more willingly went into the pool until now it is a non-issue. The city bus arrives and off we go to the
Healthpark. It was clear that Brad
enjoys the ride. Even cooler was
the bus drivers knew Brad on sight, one of them greeting him as he
boarded in his wheelchair.
At the pool, Tammy’s evaluation of Brad’s improved
participation in his swim aerobics class becomes evident. Brad walks into the water on his own as Tammy
walks backwards in front of him. He
obviously felt comfortable, and more importantly, that he belonged there. Wearing a flotation vest, Brad floats on his stomach in the
water while Tammy provides light support. Brad kicks his legs with her encouragement;
then he begins moving his arms in front of him as if swimming. Tammy tells me he recently started doing
the doggy paddle in the last few classes.
Next Brad floats on his back while Tammy gently holds his ankles, and together,
they move his legs into knee bend exercises.
Finally, Tammy replaces the flotation vest with a waist flotation
device, and walks backwards in front of Brad holding his hands while he
walks, or more accurately, hops along on his left leg around the pool. When Brad reaches the pool’s edge, he holds
onto it to rest, then surprisingly immerses his entire face into the water for
approximately three or four seconds before coming back up for air! A few times, Brad takes a mouthful of water
and squirts it out like a fountain.
Tammy and I laugh. She explains
Brad did not care for getting his face wet when they first started coming
together, but now it is a favorite activity.
Talk about progress!
The class instructor greeted Brad upon his arrival, and
checks on him periodically during the class.
When the group exercises begin, Tammy removes Brad’s flotation device
and stands behind him, and gently helps Brad move his arms according to the
instructor’s directions. Brad offers
mild resistance at first but after a few repetitions relaxes into the movement
to where Tammy’s effort becomes minimal.
I also notice Brad starts bobbing his head forward and back to the beat
of the music playing as he exercises.
When they finished, Tammy and Brad exit the pool the same way they
entered it, though Brad is slower to come out.
Aren’t we all when our suits are soaked and getting our land legs
back? He holds both rails as an
ever-cautious Tammy follows close behind him.
The renewed commitment on the part of Cottage staff to
provide consistency to Brad’s schedule improves Brad’s willingness to
participate in his swim class, and his confidence in the water. In just two months, Brad developed a trusting
relationship with Tammy, as well as with his class environment. Yet, his
progress described at the swim class does not even begin to scratch the surface
to the positive impact to Brad’s demeanor, as well as upon his quality of
life. The staff begins to notice changes
in his social interactions that amaze even Wendell Foster staff members,
including me.In the Next Blog Entry: I say, Brad said WHAT? - "Wes. . . tells a story in which he initially was unsure that what happened really happened. . . . . ."
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