Many look at the individuals we serve on Campus through our residential
and outpatient therapy programs and only see their physical disabilities and
what they “can’t” do; however, their bodies do not define who they are! Each person has a unique story, experiences
unlike anything you and I can even imagine.
They also have personal interests, desires, goals, dreams, just like you
and me. The only difference is we see
these individuals’ “story” depicted more clearly through the physiological appearance of their
bodies, which tends to make the sub-story of who they really seemingly
invisible. Their physical appearances
only tell part of a story:
A young man physically abused as a child.
A young man suffered a head injury from a skateboard
A young man carried during pregnancy by a mother
addicted to drugs.
A young boy deprived of oxygen for two minutes
during an emergency premature birth.
A young woman violently shaken as an infant.
A young woman abandoned by her parents after
learning she had cerebral palsy.
We all have a history that influences us in who and how we present
ourselves to the world; but that history does not DEFINE who we are unless we
let it. We cannot possibly see or know the
whole person in one quick glance or meeting.
The unique bodies, awkward muscular movements, slumped-over heads, and/or
unintelligible verbal communication depicts only a part of the sum of an
individual, just as a frumpy overweight and seemingly unkempt physical
appearance only depicted a part of the sum of Susan Boyle. Unfortunately, we as a society still tends
to discount individuals with disabilities, dismissing them as inept and/or unable
based on a brief encounter and a whole lot of assumption.
I recently spoke to an elderly neighbor who said when he
learned I worked with WFC, “That’s a sad place; those are sad people.” This outdated opinion could not be further
from the truth! Denise and Zach actively volunteer within our community! Gary, Lonnie and Brad work out in local
gyms! Bryant (pictured below) continues his education
online, and another Gary keeps his eye on the riverfront work and socializes
all over town! Roger and Shelly advocate
for street safety for those in wheelchairs with the city!

Over the next several months, Unique Bodies~Determined Souls
will share the stories of how Wendell Foster’s Campus is keeping our promises to the amazing individuals we serve. WFC
and its staff are challenging ourselves to broaden our perspective and deepen
our understanding of each individual we serve by learning more about what is
important to him or her.
And, it is through this effort we are seeing our residents take
ownership to becoming more independent, greater self-advocates, more active
members within our community, and living even more fulfilling lives!In the Next Blog Entry: Scrambled or Fried - "The person taking care of you wakes you up at the crack of chickens, hollering in a fake chipper voice, “Rise and shine!” Then you are pulled out of bed and plopped into a chair in front of a TV. . . . . "
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“The educated do not share a common body of information, but a common state of mind.” ~Mason Cooley
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